All Well
Ashleys Ride
The Banks Of Gray
The Blue Bells Of Challon
Bonapartes March
Boney Lads
Boring The Leather
The Bottom Of The Punch Bowl
The Brounswick Waltze
The Buff And Blue
The Caledonean Hunt
The Caledonean Laddie
The Collage Hompipe
Courtneys Rando
Cumberland House
The Curly Locks
Del Caros Fancy
Divel Among The Taylors
The Dorchester March
Downeys Lock
Duke Of Gordons Reel
Fa La La
Farewell To Limerick or The Croppys Retreat
Fox Hunters Jigg
From Night Till Morn
The Galley Slave
Garisson Frolick
German Waltz
Go To The Devil And Shake Yourself
The Gooses Minuet
Hanover Waltz
Hear Gunner Watts
Hey My Nancy
The Highland Man
Hun Haydn
I Am A Brisk And Sprightly Lad
James Bailey In Bombay
Jigg Poltague
Kiss In The Furz
Kiss My Lady
Kiss My Wife And Welcome
Kissing And Drinking
Kissing And Flirting
La Viritty
Lady Bruces Reel
Lady Campbells Delight
Lady Garners Troop
Lady Hardwicks Reel
Lady Ramsey
The Lass Of Pattys Mill
Laural and Lindsay
Life Like A Sea In Constant Motion
Light Horse Reel
Listen To The Voice Of Love
Litten Hornpipe
Little Fannys Love
Lord Cornwallis Jigg
Lord Cornwallis March
Lord McDonalds Reel
Lord McDonalds Reel (Second Setting)
Lord Summers Reel
Maidens March
Mairy La More
Marscillois March
Mgo And Daga
The Miners Of Wicklow
Miss Bairds Of New Bythe Straspey
Miss Blairs Reel
Miss Campbells Reel
Miss Carberys Reel
Miss Flora McDonalds Reel
Miss Manns Reel
Mrs. Murrays Reel
My Love Shes But A Lassie Yet
Navy Dance
No Title I
No Title II
The Nyph
Off She Goes
Over Young To Marry
Patricks Hill
Phil Ormand
The Ploughboy
Primrose Gaol
Prince William Of Auguster
Princess Of Wales Minuet
The Royal Hunt
Royal Review
The Ruffians Rant
St. Catherines Lane At Five
Scotts Reel
The Scullion Peasant
Ship New Rigged
Since Then I’m Doomed
Sir David Hunter Blair
Sir Roger DeCoverlys Reel
Speed The Plow
The Thorn
The Village Maid
Warrens Victory
Welcome Here Again
When In War On The Ochen
Devil And Shake Yourself
The White Cochead
Wild Irish Man
William Litten Country Dance
Within A Mile Of Edinbrow Town
The Woodford Ship
The Wounded Huzur
Yankee Doodle
The Yellow Hair Ladie

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